


Hey! I’m Lexi, creator of Faking It, an online publication sharing my passions through writing. I hope you love it as much as I love writing it.


A little bit about me.

I’m a senior college student at West Chester University studying English and journalism. I was born and raised in Lewisburg, a small town in central PA. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it —most people haven’t. I also have a family, but we don’t need to go into details about that…

Now that we’ve got the boring stuff out of the way, let’s get a little more into what makes me, me. I live a vegan lifestyle; sustainability and animal welfare is extremely important to me. With that being said, I definitely don’t fit into the pacifist, healthy, crunchy granola vegan stereotype. I’m no stranger to overindulging in alcohol on the weekends and it isn’t a rare occurrence for my meals to solely consist of meatless chicken nuggets. I’m also no stranger to losing my temper, but don’t worry, I’m working on it.

As you can see, I have no fucking idea what I’m doing, and that’s where the idea for Faking It came from. I’m a 21 year old adult trying my best to grow and act like I have my shit together, something that I think most people can relate to. This publication can be a guide for growing into adulthood, a distraction from adulthood, or whatever you want it to be. Who am I to tell you what to think?

A little bit about Faking It.

Faking It is an online magazine with content ranging from music to spirituality to the struggles of life as a young adult. Originally created as a project for a class, the digital mag is on its way to being so much more, to me at least.

Faking It doubles as a platform for public entertainment and a place for my own self expression through writing. During my experience working as a freelance journalist I was constantly having to write boring pieces on local news and subjects I don’t care about. I’m sure there’s much more of that coming in my future, but now I’ll permanently have a place to write and share whatever I want to on any of the million things I love.

I’ve always struggled to find publications that have content and a visual appearance that completely appeals to me. It’s my hope that this magazine becomes the thing I’ve been looking for, for other college student and adults that haven’t quite grown up yet.

This site is going to grow as I grow. I’ve never published a magazine or created a public platform directed towards other people. This is going to be an interesting learning experience that will most likely result in a lot of mistakes.

I’m just trying to fake it ‘til I make it.